Celosia - Smart Look (Red)

Red: 3.5 inch pot3.5" pot

3.5" pot
$ 3.49

Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

3.5" pot Red Attractive red flower plumes on burgundy leaves that are sure to draw attention all season long. Heat tolerant.

3.5" potRed Summer

3.5" potRed -

3.5" potRed Red

3.5" potRed 14" - 20" / 35cm - 50cm

3.5" potRed Sun

3.5" potRed Well drained

3.5" potRed 10" - 16" / 25cm - 40cm

3.5" potRed Annual
