Dahlia - Dahlietta (Julia)

Julia: 3.5 inch pot3.5" pot

3.5" pot
$ 3.49

Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

3.5" pot Julia Vibrant red flowers on a compact, uniform, sturdy plant. Easy to grow in any gardening pots and flower beds.

3.5" potJulia Summer

3.5" potJulia -

3.5" potJulia Yellow

3.5" potJulia 10" / 25cm

3.5" potJulia Sun - part sun

3.5" potJulia Well drained

3.5" potJulia 12" / 30cm

3.5" potJulia Annual
